In April 1985, a group of seventh graders from Vallejo Junior High School embarked on an unforgettable educational trip to NatureBridge Yosemite, then known as the Yosemite Institute. As part of the school’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program, these students experienced outdoor science education, thanks to several dedicated teachers who believed in the value of connecting students with nature. For Alma McKenry, a city kid from Vallejo, CA, the trip to Yosemite felt like stepping into the great unknown.
Outdoor environmental education programs like NatureBridge offer a unique and transformative approach to engaging students. A recent study by the Stanford University and the North American Association for Environmental Education shows that overnight outdoor school can have profound impacts on students by improving their academic and emotional development. Here are five ways outdoor school programs can advance your students’ learning this school year.
Annie was a beloved member of the NatureBridge community and Development family who constantly brought her warmth, humor, and positive attitude to everything she touched. She was instrumental in important NatureBridge initiatives such as the development of our current website, developing and maintaining our current brand and visual identity, and her incredible support of Development events.
We, the Armstrong Scholar Leaders, write this blog post for all of you reading from your home, work desk, or bathtub. We also write this for Joie. Many of the Armstrong Scholars chose to start their journal entries in this way, wanting to connect with and involve Joie Armstrong in their process.
Sam Matlock (she/they), former NatureBridge student and current Coastal Camp staff member, has come full circle in their journey with NatureBridge. Growing up in the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountains in Mariposa, CA, Sam has always had a passion for spending time outdoors and for exploring the natural world. Their eighth grade class trip to NatureBridge Yosemite planted a seed for what a career in outdoor education could look like. Now a Coastal Camp counselor spending the summer at NatureBridge Golden Gate in the Marin Headlands, Sam marvels at the amazing ways in which their path has led them back to NatureBridge. Sam’s story is an inspiring testament to the lasting impact NatureBridge makes on its students and educators alike.
Ever since I heard about the amazing experience known as NatureBridge from my sibling, I dreamed about the day it would finally be my turn. After watching them go off and seeing how much fun they had I’ve been even more ecstatic. Finally I was old enough and my dream was coming true.
Meet Audrey Galo, NatureBridge’s new Equity and Inclusion Director. Audrey (she/her) lives in Vallejo, CA, and embodies a rich cultural heritage as a result of growing up in Chicago with Central American roots.
A few days ago, I had the pleasure of hiking 6+ miles up 2,000 feet in elevation, by picturesque Barney Lake and Crown Point, with a team of eight wonderful humans who had volunteered to carry a resupply of food and various supplies to the 2024 Armstrong Scholars.
Highlighting the critical importance of conservation and education, U.S. Representatives Lloyd Doggett (TX-37), Jared Huffman (CA-02), Derek Kilmer (WA-06), Annie Kuster (NH-02), Katie Porter (CA-47), and Mike Quigley (IL-05) recently toured Olympic National Park and the NatureBridge campus. The delegation's visit emphasized the significance of outdoor schools and the role of NatureBridge in fostering overnight outdoor learning experiences.