In April 1985, a group of seventh graders from Vallejo Junior High School embarked on an unforgettable educational trip to NatureBridge Yosemite, then known as the Yosemite Institute. As part of the school’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program, these students experienced outdoor science education, thanks to several dedicated teachers who believed in the value of connecting students with nature. For Alma McKenry, a city kid from Vallejo, CA, the trip to Yosemite felt like stepping into the great unknown.
The first Venture Academy WildLink group of 2024 arrived in Yosemite on a clear August Sunday afternoon. The weather was sunny and warm. After several hours driving over from Stockton, CA, the group was ready to get out of the vehicles, breathe in some fresh air, and stretch their legs. Once they arrived in Yosemite, Mika, a participant, remarked, “Everything is so peaceful and calm.”
Outdoor environmental education programs like NatureBridge offer a unique and transformative approach to engaging students. A recent study by the Stanford University and the North American Association for Environmental Education shows that overnight outdoor school can have profound impacts on students by improving their academic and emotional development. Here are five ways outdoor school programs can advance your students’ learning this school year.