While we wait to hear back from our Scholars firsthand, here are some cool experiences and interesting encounters they’ve had on their expedition so far.
We sat down with Diana Lopez Senior Educator for NatureBridge and overall rad environmental educator! Read on to learn more about how she chose this career path and how she's spreading the message to dream big to her young students!
The presence of 95-year-old National Park Service Ranger Betty Reid Soskin at the 2017 NatureBridge Gala was a poignant reminder of all the work that needs to be done to improve our flawed social system as we shape the environmental stewards of tomorrow.
In Southern California, NatureBridge staff member Elise Roberts recounts her experience shadowing a program in the Santa Monica Mountains, and a student who redefined the meaning of the phrase "Matter Out of Place."
Read our 2018 Gala Keynote Speaker Betty Reid Soskin's blog on her experience at our annual fundraiser with our Student of the Year, Dylan Lew.
Going into my day with a NatureBridge educator at our Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) campus, I had no idea what to expect! Here are five things I learned about the Marin Headlands, the history of GGNRA, and most of all, what it truly means to be a part of NatureBridge.