
Policies & Protocols: COVID-19

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NatureBridge continues to follow and expand upon our strong risk management policies and we are constantly monitoring guidance as it evolves. Information about our risk management practices including how we modify our programming and manage student interactions to support social distancing, emphasize illness prevention and manage any signs of illness can be found below. The health and safety of our participants and staff is our highest priority.

  • Participants (students, teachers, chaperones and any other guests) are asked in advance not to attend programs if they are experiencing illness symptoms. 
  • Handwashing and hand sanitizing; not sharing water bottles; covering sneezes and coughs; not touching eyes, mouth or nose; and reporting any illness symptoms are emphasized with all participants.
  • Food service staff follow best practices in food preparation and service. 
  • Facilities are disinfected daily, following National Park Service protocols for cold and flu.
  • If participants show signs of illness, they are removed from program and isolated in a sick cabin/room. Participants are sent home if they have a fever or have symptoms of illness (e.g. vomiting, exhaustion, severe coughing). We have extra spaces on campus where participants can be quarantined as we work with your school to get them home as quickly as possible.
  • NatureBridge staff are not allowed to work if they show symptoms of illness. 


  • We have modified our field practices with games and group builders to limit student contact.
  • We are limiting the size of indoor gatherings and most of our activities are done outside.
  • Bus providers for our national park sites are cleaning and disinfecting their buses after each trip.
  • Field lunches will be made and served by an adult - either a NatureBridge educator, teacher or chaperone.