Press Release

Congressional Leaders Champion NatureBridge’s Outdoor School During Olympic National Park Visit

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Phil Kilbridge, NatureBridge President & CEO / Rep. Jared Huffman / Jen Kidder, NatureBridge, Olympic Campus Director / Rep. Derek Kilmer

Olympic National Park, WA – Highlighting the critical importance of conservation and education, U.S. Representatives Lloyd Doggett (TX-37), Jared Huffman (CA-02), Derek Kilmer (WA-06), Annie Kuster (NH-02), Katie Porter (CA-47), and Mike Quigley (IL-05) recently toured Olympic National Park and the NatureBridge campus. The delegation's visit emphasized the significance of outdoor schools and the role of NatureBridge in fostering overnight outdoor learning experiences.


Celebrating Access to National Parks

During their visit, the representatives observed firsthand the expansiveness of NatureBridge’s programs, which engage students from varied backgrounds including rural Eastern Washington, the Lower Elwha Klallam tribe, and urban centers such as Houston, TX. This array highlights NatureBridge's commitment to accessibility and its impact on students from various backgrounds and locations as well as the support of America’s Every Kid Outdoors program that provides National Park passes for every fourth grader. The delegation stressed the importance of continued bipartisan support to expand these vital educational opportunities.


Congressional Support for NatureBridge

Rep. Mike Quigley lauded NatureBridge’s efforts, stating, "NatureBridge's exceptional programs provide invaluable hands-on learning experiences that are crucial for fostering a lifelong connection between young people and our natural world. Their work is vital for nurturing informed, environmentally-conscious citizens."


Rep. Katie Porter expressed her advocacy for outdoor learning, saying, "Educating Americans and young leaders about the environment is crucial for our planet’s future. I’m proud to support initiatives like Every Kid Outdoors and am grateful for NatureBridge’s role in this endeavor. Their immersive programs are essential for cultivating a generation of committed environmental stewards."


Rep. Jared Huffman remarked on the urgency of environmental education programs: "In this era of accelerating climate change, engaging our youth through programs like those offered by NatureBridge is more important than ever. These hands-on experiences are pivotal in developing environmentally-conscious youth."


Rep. Lloyd Doggett praised the educational impact of outdoor schools: "NatureBridge opens doors to our nation’s natural treasures and instills a profound respect for the environment in our youth. Their commitment is crucial for nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards."


Gratitude and Future Outlook from NatureBridge

Phillip Kilbridge, President and CEO of NatureBridge, thanked the legislators for their support: "We are very grateful to Rep. Kilmer, in whose district Olympic National Park, and his colleagues for their visit and their vital support of NatureBridge’s mission. Their leadership allows us to expand our programs, ensuring more students can benefit from immersive, hands-on learning in the world's greatest classrooms—our national parks."


The visit underscores the bipartisan recognition of the importance of outdoor education as a foundational element in developing well-rounded, knowledgeable citizens who are prepared to lead and innovate in all areas of life.


For more information, please visit or contact Kenny Eng,

Jen Kidder, NatureBridge, Olympic Campus Director / Rep. Derek Kilmer
Jen Kidder, NatureBridge, Olympic Campus Director / Rep. Derek Kilmer
Phil Kilbridge, NatureBridge President & CEO / Rep. Katie Porter
Phil Kilbridge, NatureBridge President & CEO / Rep. Katie Porter
Rep. Mike Quigley and the House of Representatives delegation at NatureBridge Olympic’s campus in Olympic National Park
Rep. Mike Quigley and the House of Representatives delegation at NatureBridge Olympic’s campus in Olympic National Park
Rep. Lloyd Doggett at Lake Crescent on the NatureBridge Olympic campus
Rep. Lloyd Doggett at Lake Crescent on the NatureBridge Olympic campus
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