Stories from the Field

Transforming Lives Through Marine Science and the Whale Tail Grant

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Students in the Intertidal Lab

NatureBridge’s Golden Gate campus is at the forefront of providing transformative marine science education through our innovative Intertidal Lab. This unique facility allows students to observe tide pool life, understand coastal ecosystems, and develop a love for environmental stewardship. For many, it’s a transformative experience that sparks a passion for science and conservation.

Thanks to a $50,000 WHALE TAIL® grant, NatureBridge will reconstruct our aging Intertidal Lab tank, and provide scholarships to help more students from communities that face barriers to accessing these educational opportunities.


“It’s clear to me that not everyone has access to outdoor spaces,” says Golden Gate Lab Steward Dylan Meeks. “This grant ensures that students who might not have the opportunity can now experience the wonders of the marine environment firsthand.” These scholarships enable schools with limited resources to bring their students to our Golden Gate campus for a hands-on, immersive marine science curriculum.


At NatureBridge, we are committed to inclusivity and providing enriching educational experiences. The WHALE TAIL® grant allows us to expand our impact, fostering the next generation of environmental stewards. These students carry the lessons learned at our Golden Gate campus into the future, inspiring others to protect and cherish our natural world.


The WHALE TAIL® grant is a catalyst for change, empowering students, inspiring a love for the environment, and fostering conservation commitment through stewardship of the California coast and its watersheds. Learn more about Golden Gate campus programs and support our mission to connect young people with the science and wonder of the outdoors. Together, we can inspire stewardship and create lasting relationships between students and the environment.

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