Stories from the Field

Defining Adventure

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What is adventure and what does it mean to be adventurous? What is tradition? While you can find the definitions in a dictionary (see below), the execution of adventure+tradition is up to the individual. Here at NatureBridge (where I met my partner in love and adventure in 1992) I continue to find people who are interested in joining me for some wacky and not always fun - but always eventful - excursions.

Since 1999 I have made a tradition of sleeping outdoors for New Year’s Eve. Most years I try for a bit of adventure, although to me it’s not the adventure of death-defying, squirrel wingsuit-wearing style. There are years when I have gotten many takers, and others when it’s just been me and my sometimes reluctant partner, Hugh. “It’s cold! It’s dark!” and yet he still keeps me company.

This year, joining us skiing out to Sentinel Dome in Yosemite National Park were my colleagues Nessa Schear, Sam Webster and Nessa’s sister visiting from an Ivy League college back east. It was one of the hardest skis I have ever done out to Sentinel and it marked the first time I did not ski up the dome. It was just too icy! And yes, it was cold! I am not sure how cold, but cold enough for the water bottles to freeze inside the tent if you did not sleep with them in your sleeping bag, which apparently, I was the only one doing.

So here’s to a great 2019 with many more years of traditions and adventure, whatever those might be for each individual.

Adventure: an exciting or remarkable experience (, 2019)
Tradition: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action or behavior (ibid.)

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