Over the next few months we will be introducing you to the places that make NatureBridge so special - our national park classrooms. First up, we invite you to explore Olympic National Park! From the shores of the coast, through old-growth forests to alpine peaks, Olympic National Park (ONP) in Washington state presents students with the unique opportunity to investigate and understand complex ecosystems in an example of a temperate rainforest.
Rachel Davis is a rare story—she has seen and experienced NatureBridge from almost every possible angle. From an enthusiastic student taking part in a NatureBridge program in Golden Gate National Recreation Area in 1993 to a teacher leading her students into the national parks to participate in the same NatureBridge programs that once inspired her. Today, her journey expands even further as the newest member of NatureBridge’s Yosemite Board.
The Bishop-Marcus Award, named for Barry Bishop and Melvin Marcus, funds one NatureBridge staff member each year to complete an environmental research project that incorporates challenge, fieldwork and giving back to the organization’s broader community.