Stories from the Field

Teacher Spotlight: Dave Ficke

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If I was still teaching, I’d still be taking kids up there.” For high school teacher Dave Ficke, class trips to Yosemite Institute (now NatureBridge Yosemite) were always the highlight of his school year. After 27 years of bringing students from Upland High School to our Yosemite campus and sharing his own enjoyment of nature with them, Dave reflects that his focus as a science teacher “was always getting them out in the environment to see and experience.” The immersive, hands-on approach offered by NatureBridge programs—coupled with the passion and compassion of NatureBridge staff—kept Dave coming back with his students year after year.

For me, it was the excitement that I got to see in the students. Not only while we were there, but all the way through to the end of school. They seemed to take on camaraderie, they bonded together, and they seemed to be a little more heightened aware about environmental issues.
Dave Ficke, Retired Upland High School Teacher

Now retired in Lake Arrowhead, CA, Dave recalls many fond memories from his time leading trips to Yosemite Institute (YI). Whether hiking to see the “Snow Cone” at the base of Yosemite Falls, cross-country skiing at Crane Flat or watching the sunrise at Glacier Point, Dave emphasizes the experiential learning he and his students took away with them. “What I enjoyed most was the fact that the kids were able to go to an environment and experience something that is out of their comfort zone and gain a true appreciation for wilderness,” he says.

Dave also remembers the science investigations his students participated in, including water testing above and below the horse bridge on Illiouette Creek. Based on the results of his students’ and other testers’ results, the park service concluded that the presence of the horse bridge was negatively affecting water quality in the lower creek. “While we were doing that study, there must have been 15 park staff walking around with their clipboards,” Dave says. “I really feel good that we were able to give back to the park. I’m a strong believer that research projects shouldn’t be done just by PhDs.”

Most importantly, Dave relates how exceptional the Yosemite Institute staff were and how deeply the experiences stuck with his students. “I’m grateful for the fact that the instructors are passionate and they have a love for kids,” he recalls. “They’re passionate with their instruction; they’re passionate about caring and helping out kids that are struggling a little bit.” Dave also notes how many of his students went on to pursue careers in environmental science or championed advocacy efforts following their experiences in Yosemite. “That gene was already in the students,” Dave remarks, “but YI flipped the switch.”

For the kids to have an opportunity to go to a national treasure and experience a national park with passionate instructors who are knowledgeable about what they know and teach was just awe-inspiring.
Dave Ficke, Retired Upland High School Teacher

Thank you, Dave, for partnering with us for over two decades to introduce hundreds of students to the wonder and science of the natural world!

Photos courtesy of Dave Ficke

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