Stories from the Field

Student Spotlight: Nina Mao

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Editor’s note: This year, we received an unprecedented number of applicants for our annual Student of the Year award, and we were honored to hear the stories they had to share about their experiences at NatureBridge. We would like to recognize one of our 2024 runners-up, eighth grader Nina Mao from San Jose, CA, who attended NatureBridge Golden Gate with her class from Stratford School Palo Alto in 2023. Nina is one of the thousands of young people who has been impacted by their time at NatureBridge and who continue to inspire those around them with their commitment to our planet. Please help us congratulate all of our 2024 Student of the Year runners-up! 

An Unexpected Change #

Nina’s trip to NatureBridge began with a change in plans—and a significant pivot for the seventh graders of Stratford School. Originally, they were scheduled to attend NatureBridge’s Yosemite campus in the spring of 2023. However, due to a historic snow event and its resultant closures, NatureBridge Yosemite was unable to host the Stratford School group. Thanks to the flexibility of both the NatureBridge team and the group’s leaders—plus Stratford School’s determination to offer their students the experience of our environmental science programs—the group adjusted their plans and headed to NatureBridge’s Golden Gate campus.

“Honestly, [NatureBridge Golden Gate] was a phenomenal experience. I was shocked to find the flourishing, green environment just outside of San Francisco. I didn’t even know the area existed, and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge personally after a hike up Hawk Hill just made the whole trip. One of my friends was only able to come on this trip because we had switched locations to somewhere closer, and I don’t think it would have been the same if she hadn't come. That’s what they say, when life throws you apples, eat the whole thing and enjoy it.”

Leaving the Comfort Zone #

Having never spent a night away from her family before, Nina acknowledges that her visit to NatureBridge represented a big step outside of her comfort zone. She was concerned about being far from home, and about what conditions would be like “in the wilderness” and outside of the urban environment. She wondered what it would be like to live together with her classmates and teachers for five days. But ultimately, Nina made the choice to try something new and embark on the trip. 

“I couldn’t hide the doubt and worry; I had already given up the sixth grade trip from my fear of new things. But there was still a tiny flash of excitement. The question of what if, of what if I could move beyond my fear, what if I could take the chance to experience something new? And so I went on the trip, which is possibly one of the best decisions I ever made.”

Embracing New Experiences #

At NatureBridge, Nina surprised herself by how much she enjoyed the new experiences she encountered. In the dining hall, she tried new foods and declared them “delicious,” shared a bedroom for the first time ever where she discovered the delight of whispering stories late into the night with her roommates, and flexed her independence by organizing her own space and making decisions for herself.

“I learned to get along and adapt to other living styles. Most importantly, I found myself embracing my newfound independence. I was the only one who would manage my own space and what I did, and moreover, I learned I could do that fairly well. I became more confident in my self-reliance and capabilities, and what I could do on my own.”

Building Stronger Bonds #

Nina also relished the opportunity to see other sides of her classmates and teachers by living and learning with them for a week outside of school. She discovered that their NatureBridge experience led them to develop stronger bonds with one another, something Nina believes couldn’t have happened by remaining inside the classroom.

“Out there in the wilderness, hiking long distances, having to put up with each other for days on end, our class came together and bonded more closely than just in school. We were navigating this new experience together, and through it I learned more about my classmates, their good sides, bad sides, morning sides, night sides, and all of their quirks…It was really interesting to learn about my teachers and friends outside of the classroom, something I hadn’t really considered much.”

Memories for a Lifetime #

In Nina’s own words, her NatureBridge experience “will be something I remember for years to come.” Many of the concerns she had going into the trip wound up becoming opportunities for growth that resulted in memories she cherishes to this day. 

“I feel so honored to have taken this trip to NatureBridge. Not only did I learn about the Marin County ecosystems, I also discovered that new doesn’t mean bad, and bonded with my classmates and teachers. Our class was able to overcome storms and scheduling difficulties and have a great time, creating memories that will last lifetimes. Although it was only one week out of the hundreds of weeks I have lived, the ripple it created grew into a wave that I will never forget. Thank you so much, Nature Bridge, for this memory. I will remember it forever.” 

Thank you for sharing your NatureBridge story, Nina!

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